Pascoag Utility District Files for Electric Rate Decrease for 2015!

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We at Pascoag Utility District know there has been much in the press lately regarding significant increases in rates (namely Standard Offer service) for various New England electric utilities for the next six months, such as increases of 24% in Rhode Island and 37% in Massachusetts.

I am very pleased to report that Pascoag Utility District (“Pascoag”) recently filed for a rate decrease beginning in January of 2015.  This rate decrease is subject to approval by the Rhode Island Public Utility Commission after our upcoming public hearing on December 15.

The rate decrease is based on forecasted costs for 2015 and true-up of 2014 actual results.  The requested change is as follows:


Portion of Rate Current 2014 $/kWh Proposed 2014 $/kWh Difference $/kWh
Standard Offer Service $0.07736 $0.06733 ($0.01003)
Transition Service $0.00611 $0.01141 $0.00530
Transmission Service $0.02913 $0.03313 $0.00400
Total $0.11260 $0.11187 ($0.00073)


As you know, Pascoag is a non-profit public power entity owned by you, our customers.  We take a different approach to our power supply, and in fact procure resources for longer terms to stabilize our rates, especially since the lack of adequate natural gas pipeline capacity has resulted in huge cost increases for power from gas-fired generators during the winter months when heating customers have priority on the gas lines.  Our ability to hedge over a longer term is a direct benefit to rate stabilization, and you, our customers.


Michael Kirkwood, General Manager

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